Monday, September 9, 2013

Back to School ... A few weeks late

Shields Family Academy kicked off the 2013-2014 school year almost a month ago, Hannah is in 2nd grade and Abiagael is in Pre-K.  Once again this school year brought about some change for our family, last years curriculum was just not a good fit for us so momma went searching. 

For this year we have found the best fit is a mix of things. While a part of me is sad to see the "everything is put in place for me so I don't have to think" go, a larger part of me is delighted to see my little ladies thrive!  It has been a learning curve full of God's grace, but what better way to grow closer to the Lord than to need him every second of every day?!!

If you are interested in what we are doing keep reading, if not, enjoy the pictures :)

Both Hannah and Abiagael have been using parts of Easy Peasy and it has been great! A sweet momma has put her children's school online for all to use. While I do believe it would be enough on it's own, this year we have found it is best to keep the girls off the computer as much as we can so I have been doing more offline. 

Side bar: The extra work has been, well, extra work, but a huge blessing (for both the girls and myself)!! The girls are doing great and loving life and I have been able to see some of God's promises shine through. 
"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up"
Galatians 6:9
Please hear me!! Motherhood is still hard, home schooling is still hard BUT through God's word there is hope and strength.

Okay back to curriculum! 
Hannah: Loving Like Jesus for bible time (the kids version!), Bible Writer for handwriting, Phonics readers, McGuffy Reader, ANY book I can get her to read, random math work books, random phonics work books and Pinterest of course :)

Abiagael: God's Little Explorer for bible time (and more!), Pinterest and random work books

As you can see we are using a little bit of this and that. Each weekend I sit down and plan out the next week, see what is working and what isn't. Doing what we can and enjoying the journey!

Seriously, she did this on her own

Are girls just born knowing how to pose?!

Making music

She even crosses her feet!

"My picture too momma!"


The girls didn't want to leave mouse trap out

Little Ember :) Turns out I actually took this picture the day before she was 5 months!! Oops

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today I am remembering to find joy in the little things, to be thankful for each and everything that I have been blessed with. Not just the big things but all things

For the windows in my kitchen that let in sunlight and let me lookout and see trees

For glass jars full of food to feed my family

For yet another mason jar and some order to the chaos that was my utensil drawer

For one clean counter! 

And even for the other counters that are covered in dirty dishes. Dishes that were placed around my dining room table, dishes that were full of food to feed my family supper and dishes that prepared that meal. 

Many days I let these things weigh me down, my prayer today is that I will be reminded each and everyday that these "burdens" are truly a blessing

What are you thankful for today?