Monday, September 9, 2013

Back to School ... A few weeks late

Shields Family Academy kicked off the 2013-2014 school year almost a month ago, Hannah is in 2nd grade and Abiagael is in Pre-K.  Once again this school year brought about some change for our family, last years curriculum was just not a good fit for us so momma went searching. 

For this year we have found the best fit is a mix of things. While a part of me is sad to see the "everything is put in place for me so I don't have to think" go, a larger part of me is delighted to see my little ladies thrive!  It has been a learning curve full of God's grace, but what better way to grow closer to the Lord than to need him every second of every day?!!

If you are interested in what we are doing keep reading, if not, enjoy the pictures :)

Both Hannah and Abiagael have been using parts of Easy Peasy and it has been great! A sweet momma has put her children's school online for all to use. While I do believe it would be enough on it's own, this year we have found it is best to keep the girls off the computer as much as we can so I have been doing more offline. 

Side bar: The extra work has been, well, extra work, but a huge blessing (for both the girls and myself)!! The girls are doing great and loving life and I have been able to see some of God's promises shine through. 
"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up"
Galatians 6:9
Please hear me!! Motherhood is still hard, home schooling is still hard BUT through God's word there is hope and strength.

Okay back to curriculum! 
Hannah: Loving Like Jesus for bible time (the kids version!), Bible Writer for handwriting, Phonics readers, McGuffy Reader, ANY book I can get her to read, random math work books, random phonics work books and Pinterest of course :)

Abiagael: God's Little Explorer for bible time (and more!), Pinterest and random work books

As you can see we are using a little bit of this and that. Each weekend I sit down and plan out the next week, see what is working and what isn't. Doing what we can and enjoying the journey!

Seriously, she did this on her own

Are girls just born knowing how to pose?!

Making music

She even crosses her feet!

"My picture too momma!"


The girls didn't want to leave mouse trap out

Little Ember :) Turns out I actually took this picture the day before she was 5 months!! Oops

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today I am remembering to find joy in the little things, to be thankful for each and everything that I have been blessed with. Not just the big things but all things

For the windows in my kitchen that let in sunlight and let me lookout and see trees

For glass jars full of food to feed my family

For yet another mason jar and some order to the chaos that was my utensil drawer

For one clean counter! 

And even for the other counters that are covered in dirty dishes. Dishes that were placed around my dining room table, dishes that were full of food to feed my family supper and dishes that prepared that meal. 

Many days I let these things weigh me down, my prayer today is that I will be reminded each and everyday that these "burdens" are truly a blessing

What are you thankful for today?

Friday, August 30, 2013

God and gardening

I have always enjoyed looking at beautiful flowers and even buying them. I know people spend hours taking care of their gardens and enjoy it, some people even say it makes them feel closer to God.  I never understood what those people meant, until I woke up one day and realized "I am one of THOSE people!"  
I actually have no idea what I am doing when it comes to gardening but I do know that I am enjoying the adventure and I without a doubt feel closer to God when I am outside working in the garden. I just love when God speaks to my heart as I go about my day!! 

As I went to town "trimming" my hydrangea bush I was reminded how easily my heart can go from overflowing with beauty to rotting. It seems to happen almost overnight, although I know that isn't entirely true. I had a huge hydrangea bush full of beautiful blooms, so many I used them to decorate inside my home and the bush looked untouched! I can't even begin to tell you how many times my heart is full of love and Jesus and then, almost overnight it is rotting. 

My heart seems to get overrun and needs to be cut back all to often. I have to pray through hurts, destroy idols, forgive wrong doings and most of all remember to run to Jesus and fill up on him daily.

At times I feel the work will never be finished, that my heart has had to much damage. I wonder if maybe I cut back to much, will there ever be new growth? Were the things I let go of really "that bad"? 

Sometimes I cut back so much I find new growth that had not yet been given enough light to really grow. After all the work, pain and time though comes new growth. A fresh start, beautiful and clean. The perfect reminder that it was all worth it.

And he who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." Also he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."
Revelation 21:5 ESV

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Works for me Wednesday

House Work

   Oh never ending house work, such a bittersweet love I have for you. Some days I am able to remember that I am blessed to have you in my life and other days you overwhelm me so much I want to hide. 

   Let me start by saying just because it does work for me doesn't mean I always use it. I still get overwhelmed (and sometimes just plain lazy) but the days I am focused this has been a huge blessing.

Go through each and every room with pen and paper and write down every little thing that needs to be done. Make sure to write down the big things (cleaning out drawers) and the little things (dusting) and everything in between

   After you have made your list go through and give each job a "how often" so that you know when you will need to do it. For example, I sweep my floor every couple of days but only clean out the fridge every 10 days.

Make sure to have your 2 year old help :)

Getting it all in order
   I personally used index cards but you can do what works best for you! I wrote the day of the week at the top of the card and then started adding the jobs. Sunday is my Sabbath so that day only has dishes and rest on it. I wasn't strict about the jobs, if the job landed on Sunday I would put it on another day and if one card was getting to full I bumped the job to another day. I am by no means trying to be perfect, I am just trying to take care of my family without losing my mind

All my cards in a basket ready to be used

Full disclosure: I don't always keep up with chores :)
   I have used many ideas and schedules through the years to help make life a little easier but I am hoping this will work for this season. I would love to hear what works for you!

   How do you keep up with housework?   

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Most Favoritest Mornings

   You would think as a stay at home momma I would make all my mornings my favorite. That I would remember what makes the girls and I thrive. The simple pleasures that warm our hearts and brighten our days. Sadly that is not the case. I find it is all to easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of life. I forget I can stop having a bad morning and change the pace of our day.

   It has been a fight, a fight that I have not yet won but will continue to partake in. A fight to remember what is important, who is important, a fight to live counter cultural. Some days are better than others but everyday is worth it, bruises and all.

   Give ear to my words, O Lord; consider my groaning. Give attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to you do I pray. O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch.
Psalm 5:1-3 

Even Mouse Trap likes to take it easy in the mornings

Taking our time working in the garden and helping it grow

Catching tiny grasshoppers

Enjoying the squash blossoms

Slowing down for a walk

An impromptu photo shoot...with a chicken walking by 

Playing chicken herder 

Turns out the chickens don't want to be herded 

Finding beautiful flowers for the table

Soaking in God's beauty

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Who's kitchen is this?!

Growing up my siblings and I each had to make dinner once a week. I hated it! Each and every week I would "prepare" salad (from a bag) and baked potatoes. It was simple, no extra dishes or serving bowls.

Fast forward 10 years...
Fresh wheat berries waiting to be milled

Fresh milk being enjoyed

Buttery biscuits soaking overnight 

Clean jars ready to be refilled at the dairy

My new favorite cookbook that is covered in flour, butter and strawberries
Check out From Scratch here 
I would have never imagined this would be my life but I would not trade it for the world...unless I could get a self cleaning kitchen?!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Lilah

It is hard to believe my sweet Lilah Belle is already 2... and it has taken me almost a week to sit down and write this

She is all over the place and keeps me on my toes
She loves her yaya (paci) and has no desire to potty train
She will talk your ear off and play momma with her baby dolls all day long
She is precious and I love her
Happy Birthday

I'm 2!


 Mean Face

 I don't want to be happy

 Sweet cake from Aunt Stephanie

Trying to open gifts all by herself

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Will I ever measure up?

1 Kings 19:11-12
English Standard Version (ESV)
11 And he said, “Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper.[a]

As I was washing off (read using all my strength to scrape off old dried on cereal) the girls bench last week my mind was at war

"What is wrong with you woman?! Why can't you keep a clean home?"

"Isn't it nice not to be so uptight about housework?"

"Maybe you are a little to laid back?"

"At least my girls won't look back and remember a mother who only cleaned, but what if they don't even know how to clean?!"

Amidst the chaos in my head I hear a still small voice

 "You were not created to be like anyone else. I love you just the way you are, the way I created you"

Simple. Beautiful. Truth.

What amazing love. Not only do I serve a God who created me and loves me, he loves me so much he spent time working on my details. I was not make in bulk, just like everyone else, I was created to be me, unlike anyone else.

We are not meant to do things like everyone else. God has a specific detailed design for each and every one of us. What love, what precious love

I pray that next time my mind starts to head into war my heart can put up a wall and remind me of how loved I am, how desperately God cares for me. Knowing and believing that truth with all I am will leave me at peace rather than broken and hurting when the war of comparison is raging all around me.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wrestling with God

I have been in a huge wrestling match with God lately. Okay let's be honest, I have been throwing a fit and He has been putting up with me.  

My family and I have been making some huge changes in the way we do life.  A large change we have made is to essential oils, or God's medicine cabinet. I have never been big on medicine, I am very thankful that big medicine is there for emergencies, I just don't prefer it for everyday life.

I believe essential oils are a gift from God and they have been a huge blessing in my life. Unfortunately as with most things they cost money and there are so many options. Daniel and I had settled on a company that we felt had the highest quality and have been using them for about 4 months. There is another company however that we also think is of high quality. I had been looking to make the switch but sadly they are not giving away their product and I am not made of money.

So rather than waiting and saving I have been plotting and planning because my flesh has been on a materialistic "I want it ALL" spree the last few months and I hate it! It is nasty and consuming and I just want out. Years ago a precious wise woman said "What you feed will grow" and boy is that true. I have been feeding my flesh, my flesh wants stuff and stuff it has gotten. 

Don't get me wrong, it is not always bad to have things. What is bad is to crave things. It is wrong to go into bondage for things. It is wrong to put off paying those who you already owe to spend more. It is wrong to let your emotions run free until you get your way.

It is selfish and wrong for me to expect God to bless me with more when I am not stewarding what He has already blessed me with. Honestly it is a slap in Gods face.

I don't think there is anything wrong with dreaming and planning for the future as long as I remember to stay present and focused on today.

My future may want to be able to spend without having to save and work the budget so tight but today says "Here is what you have, steward it well"

My future may want to grow my oil collection but today says "Use and be thankful for the oils you do have"

My future may want to share my joy and all I have learned about oils with others but today says "Enjoy your husband and babies"

Today  I will embrace and cherish what I have been blessed with. I will learn to steward it well and continue to seek God with each and every choice I make and maybe someday my future will hold more, maybe it won't. Either way I will rejoice and be glad in it